5 Reasons Why You Should Join My Email List!
Did you know I have an email list? Maybe you didn’t. Honestly, I haven’t done a great job promoting it up to this point because I just didn’t have it set up the way I wanted. But these past few months I have worked really hard to get it up and running and now I’m happy to say that I’m ready to tell you that you should sign up and give it a try! If that’s not enough to convince you I understand. So here are 5 reasons why you should think about it:
- You get a freebie! I have a special guide that I created called “4 Tips to a Stress Free Photo Shoot” that is exclusively for people who sign up for my email list. It’s a short pdf guide that has some quick tips to help you feel relaxed and prepared for your next professional family or senior photo session.
- You’re the first to know about things. Because everyone who signs up for my email list is a VIP to me, I announce big news to all of them first. This is important because if I’m having mini sessions you can get first pick of the available times, or when I open up my next season of shoots for booking, you’re the first to know to grab your preferred spot. If I’ve got major life updates or news to share, my email list will know first.
- You can get to know more about me. Now, I don’t say this because I think I’m the most interesting person you will ever meet. The most awkward, possibly yes….the most interesting, highly unlikely. BUT I do think it’s so important that you can get to know me as much as possible before your photo session because then when we do meet I won’t feel like a random stranger who is now taking personal photos of you. Instead I will feel more like a fun friend. And that’s going to make you feel more comfortable and then I will feel more comfortable and then it’s just a win-win for all of us.
- Social media is out of my control. I love using Instagram and Facebook to connect with everyone and I am so grateful for them. But, the fact of the matter is that I have zero control if those platforms go down, or how they change their algorithms. That means that if they do go down, I have no control of when it’s back up and running. Or if their algos decide not to show you my post, I have no way to connect with you. But if you’re on my email list, that won’t ever happen because THAT I can totally control!
- It’s different from your typical email list. So you’re probably used to giving out your email address and being put on a list that bombards you with promo emails. Not only does that clog your inbox, but that’s boring! I use email in a different way. My goal is to entertain you with a fun story, usually at my personal expense, to make you smile, and help you get to know the real me. Also, I only send out about two a month. I usually mention a new blog post you can read, and sure, my hope is that you will stick around and book a session with me. But my main goal with it, just like my photo sessions, is to have fun!
If this has convinced you that you should give my email list a try, you can sign up below. You will get access to the freebie right away and then you will receive a few welcome emails from me over the next week. Hope to see you in your inbox!
Want to learn more about becoming a CJ Senior?
Visit my Senior Page
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